This is my first post just trying to get things setup. Ideally I would like this blog to serve as a place to put coding tips, techniques, and thoughts. I may post things related to projects I’m currently working on, but that won’t be a guarantee! These first few posts may be lacking in quality as I get accustomed to Jekyll to setup posts and themes. I also would like this blog to have a nice theme of Space Station 13 terms and references (an old space survival sandbox MMO), since a lot of my learning experience with programming has revolved around it. With all that said, I’m going to discuss a little background about myself.

Hi I’m Tim. And I am an alcho-… nah, I’m just an aspiring coder! I’ve been programming since 2012, doing it mostly as a hobby. Since then, I’ve learned a lot. Most of this learning has come from various sources: Analyzing source code from other projects (hint hint SS13), online tutorials and guides, scouring various programming forums for info, taking free programming courses offered at coding bootcamps, and lastly but the most important teacher. The interpreter. Executing code to see if it works (and how) is the ultimate answer to any question. Although, regarding code style do’s and do not’s this is irrelevant.

As for languages, I’ve mainly used Lua for most of my stuff, but I’ve got some basic experience using Java, Python, Javascript so far under my belt. Ideally I would love to learn C at some point in the future as it would combine nicely with nearly any other language and is very time efficient when executing critical parts of code. C is always referred to the grandfather of all code languages. In fact many of the mainstream languages are coded in C, and have libraries to communicate back and forth with it. Yet, coding in C is well…. cumbersome compared to high-level languages like Python and Lua. (more on that, in another blog post!)

I’m out of time for now, but for the next post I’ll be jumping right into code so be ready!

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A 2D spess programmer on a journey (internals not provided) to code paradise.



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